We have nothing much to say more about this megha mani , the person who have knowledge about it know everthing about it .One of the most auspicious item in planet . Megha mani create at the time lightining or thunderbolt at sky , when it fall somewhere at hilly areas on some rocks or any thing , it take the form of mani , it called megha mani , it doesnt form easily and it very rarely it found , mostly it found in hiily areas , Thunderbolt is the also called God Indra ashtra , and creation of megh mani is the gift of God to us , In garuda purana it clearly mentioned that their are nine auspicious mani availble on planet and the one is megha mani . It used for various purpose , and many shamams and guru used for it for getting enlightenment . it give you peace , harmony , good health wealth and protection Just contact us for more information

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